

Try Something New

July 23, 2014

Fort Wayne Women: It's easy to fall into familiar habits and mundane, every day routines, and it's easy to forget that simply trying something new can change your life. 

We can all relate to getting too much into the groove of things, making most weekdays a mundane, preplanned walk-through. And, we could all use some help breaking out of this cycle once in a while. Breast cancer survivor Luann Cahn shares her journey of trying something new every day for one year. After her battle with cancer, some would assume that Luann would have been awakened to embrace life as a precious gift. However, she found herself in a constant negative state. What turned her unhealthy outlook around was nothing any professional would prescribe.

After participating in a Polar Plunge for the first time, she had a revelation:

“We forget that “firsts” are like fresh air, fresh life. We forget that “firsts” are deliciously awakening. We forget how a “first” feels, the way your brain hums with satisfaction after a new experience.”

After taking this plunge, Luann began her year of “firsts.” These are just a few of them:

Day 6: Don’t say anything negative all day

Day 16: Start a conversation with a complete stranger

Day 24: Walk five miles in the cold

Day 44: meditation and journaling class

Day 52: start a daily journal

Day 66: drive the speed limit everywhere

Day 125: make a bouquet from garden

Day 204: learn to make sushi

We hope Luann’s story inspires you to try some new things! To read more from Luann’s journey of firsts, here’s a link to her blog.


See what our Patients are saying

"I want you to know how nice my appointments were yesterday! Bill did a great job doing the heart smart scan. Then I said I had a mammogram later in the day scheduled at Carew. He told me about the BDC there and walked me down to see if they could do that for me there. The ladies immediately were warm and welcoming. I wasn’t a bother to them at all, and it was even over the lunch period. They all should get a pat on the back for a great job."
Althea Winchester


> North: 3707 New Vision Drive, Fort Wayne, IN 46845; 260-266-8120

> Carew Street: 1818 Carew Street Suite 30, Fort Wayne, IN 46805; 260-266-8120


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Breast Imaging Center of Excellence. Accredited by the American College of Radiology for Mammography, Ultrasound, Ultrasound Guided Breast Biopsy, & Stereotactic Breast Biopsy. Certified by the FDA

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